The Beginning of my Tics – November 2012

Sent this video to Dr. S. after a few days of my new symptom. He sent me to his office after seeing the video but I had to laugh, as concerned as he was, he did call me out on watching Roseanne. LOL

4 thoughts on “The Beginning of my Tics – November 2012

  1. Kim when it happens what does it feel like? A sneeze? A cough? I’m trying to think of what the experience must be like??? Love ya!

    • It is almost like an uncontrollable sneeze. I can suppress it to a certain extent but it seems like when I do, it makes it worse. It almost gives me a sense of relief when I do it, just like holding in a sneeze, when you just sneeze, you feel better.

  2. Kim….my son has had vocal tics due to Lyme/Basbesia. I have been searching for just one person who has had vocal tics. The tics can be very tormenting. Glad I found you.

    • If you have any questions feel free to add me to facebook or message me. I am on gabapentin, lamictal, ativan, and klonopin (klonopin is for sleep but will calm your system). It is horrible. I don’t know what’s worse….. having an invisible disease or people knowing there is something wrong with you. I am on meropenum IV and oral Septra DS now going on 3 weeks and a lot of things are worse now, but my tics have calmed down quite a bit. Def still there but I can go several hours without a single one. There is hope!

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